The eight main islands of Hawaii--Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, Lanai, Molokai, Niihau, and Kahoolawe--contain more than 99 percent of the state's land area and all but a handful of its people. The island of Hawaii, at 8,150 square kilometers, comprises nearly two-thirds of the state's total area, and it is often referred to as simply the Big Island. The smallest of the eight, Kahoolawe, is 125 square kilometers and is uninhabited.
Tropical Climate of Hawaii
The latitude of Honolulu, about 21 18 N , is the same as Calcutta and Mexico City. As a result, there is little change in the length of daylight or the angle of incidence of the sun's rays from one season to another. This factor and the state's maritime position, means that there is little seasonal variation in temperature. It is variations in precipitation that mark the major changes in season on the islands.
During the summer, Hawaii is under the persistent influence of northeast trade winds, which approach the islands over cool waters located to the northeast and create characteristic Hawaiian weather--breezy, sunny with some clouds, warm but not hot.
In winter, these trade winds disappear, sometimes for weeks, allowing "invasions" of storms from the north and northwest. Honolulu has received as much as 43 centimeters of rain in a single 24-hour period. Hawaiian weather stations have also recorded 28 centimeters in an hour and 100 centimeters in a day, both of which rank near world records.
Facts of Hawaii
Population (1994): 1,178,000 (40th in size)
State size: 6,471 square miles (47th in size)
State Capital: Honolulu (name is Hawaiian for "Sheltered Bay")
Major cities: Hilo, Honolulu, Kailua, Pearl City
Admission to union: The 50th State
Date entered the union: August 21, 1959
Origin of state name: From the native word "Hawakiki", which means "homeland".
Nicknames: The Aloha State
Bordering states: Hawaii is an island surrounded by the Pacific Ocean.
State bird: Hawaiian Goose
State flower: Red Hibiscus
State tree: Kukui (Candlenut Tree)
Motto: The Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness

During the summer, Hawaii is under the persistent influence of northeast trade winds, which approach the islands over cool waters located to the northeast and create characteristic Hawaiian weather--breezy, sunny with some clouds, warm but not hot.
In winter, these trade winds disappear, sometimes for weeks, allowing "invasions" of storms from the north and northwest. Honolulu has received as much as 43 centimeters of rain in a single 24-hour period. Hawaiian weather stations have also recorded 28 centimeters in an hour and 100 centimeters in a day, both of which rank near world records.
Facts of Hawaii
Population (1994): 1,178,000 (40th in size)
State size: 6,471 square miles (47th in size)
State Capital: Honolulu (name is Hawaiian for "Sheltered Bay")
Major cities: Hilo, Honolulu, Kailua, Pearl City
Admission to union: The 50th State
Date entered the union: August 21, 1959
Origin of state name: From the native word "Hawakiki", which means "homeland".
Nicknames: The Aloha State
Bordering states: Hawaii is an island surrounded by the Pacific Ocean.
State bird: Hawaiian Goose
State flower: Red Hibiscus
State tree: Kukui (Candlenut Tree)
Motto: The Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness
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